Hello! I’m Rebecca Ashby, adoptive mama to my 13 year-old son, Parker, wife to Christopher and the former owner of The Pink Orange. I’m currently living my dream of a more simplified and perfectly undone life in Fairfield, Connecticut.
In late 2022 I started HOPE & JOY, with a sole mission of bringing people positivity, hope and joy. Whether it’s through the beautiful handcrafted and curated goods that always bring a smile to my face or by bringing HOPE to those who need it; infusing positivity, gratitude and enjoyment is what drives and fuels my creativity. If I can bring someone HOPE & JOY, then I have done my job well.
HOPE & JOY also brings financial HOPE to those in need with the JOY of a gift from my store. In addition to supporting non-profit organizations dedicated to helping adoptive parent(s) in waiting, every month I donate a portion of my proceeds to support mental health awareness organizations. These two areas are so important to me personally and it gives me HOPE & JOY to be able to give back to others who are going through the adoption process and are also having to support their children and families who are struggling with mental health issues.
One of the organizations dedicated to adoption is Helpusadopt.org, a national 501(c)(3) financial grant program that helps couples/individuals (regardless of ethnicity, gender, marital status, race, religion, or sexual orientation) with the cost of their adoptions by awarding grants up to $20,000. Mental health is also important to me and I’ve supported numerous mental health organizations including The Confess Project of America, a statewide organization that fosters mental health advocacy in the Black Barber and Beauty Industry by building awareness, breaking stigma, and increasing access to care within the communities they serve.
As I navigate the road of parenting a neurodiverse child and all the struggles that go along with it, I constantly feel the urge to be creative in order to help soothe my soul and bring me HOPE & JOY.
I hope I am able to share with you a small bit of HOPE & JOY.

This was the pivotal day in October 2011 when we finalized Parker's adoption in court. It marked the moment we could officially change his last name and secure his social security number. Despite his birth six months prior, this day solidified our family bond. While we were filled with joy, the weight of our adoption-related debt lingered. Those preceding years had been arduous and demanding. Little did we know then that numerous adoption grants existed, offering financial assistance.
Reflecting on our journey, I've encountered many individuals whose financial constraints deter them from pursuing adoption—a reality that deeply saddens me. However, my perspective shifted when I discovered Help Us Adopt, based in New York City. Determined to make a difference, I decided this was one of the organizations that I wanted to help. Founded by Becky Fawcett, this organization has been a beacon of hope for countless adoptive families, providing grants to alleviate the financial burden. Since its inception in 2007, Help Us Adopt has awarded 715 adoption grants totaling over $6.8 million.

When Parker was just nine years old, right as the pandemic began and we entered lockdown, we received his neurodivergent diagnosis. Frankly, it was a tough pill to swallow. We were inundated with questions and found few answers. Nevertheless, we were determined to do everything possible to support our son, including ongoing therapy. The experience shed light on the glaring inadequacies of our healthcare system, particularly regarding mental health, especially in children.
Therapy sessions come with a staggering price tag, often leaving families to foot the bill. Hearing about other children grappling with mental health challenges breaks my heart, and as someone who naturally seeks solutions, I felt compelled to act. That's why I regularly donate to the Child Mind Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting children's mental health.
Child Mind Institute has reached 43,000+ students through mental health treatment, support groups, workshops and classroom coaching. I believe, by arming more children with the tools they need to navigate their diagnoses through therapy and a combination of Eastern and Western medicine, perhaps we can encourage earlier intervention and support.

In 2024, with your support in orders, we were able to give back $2,500 to Help Us Adopt & Child Mind Institute. THANK YOU!